Social issues need to be addressed actively as the amount of cruelty, racism and political issues arise every day. Youth spend most of their time on social media and if you want to influence and spread awareness amongst a lot of people social media is the right place to start. But if you want your post to reach a lot of people, it must be informative as well as attractive. So in this article we are going to give you 5 tips on how to do that. Let’s get started!

  • Use pictures

“A picture is worth a thousand words”. This is true when it comes to different social media platforms as well. A platform which considers interaction among users as it’s primary function, prefers posts which are aesthetic. So use websites which let you design your logos, outlines, fonts etc. One such website is “Canva”. It has amazing templates and designs.

  • Pick catchy headlines

As the proverb goes “The face is the Index of the mind”, your headline determines whether your article is readable or not. Usually headlines must comprise of shocking or informative news. Users tend to read something either if they are benefited from it or intrigued by it.

  • Conduct Q&A sessions

If you want to get new content ideas, advice on improving your channel or some interaction happening Q&A is the go-to mantra. Don’t make it very frequent. Do this activity around once a month.

  • Film vlogs

People are brought to attention when they experience something first hand. By filming vlogs, people watching tend to imagine themselves in your place which improves retention.

  • Include people

Motivational sessions work, as the audience stay in the present. You can achieve this by campaigns, meet-ups and other live sessions.

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