Most of us currently can’t imagine our lives without social media. While social media has made life easier and more enjoyable, it has the potential to take away from your productive time. Spending too much time on social media has been a source of concern, especially among young people. It not only wastes time that could be spent on other tasks, but it can also have an adverse effect on your mental health.

As a result, you’ll need to set a time limit for how much time you spend on social media. The activity dashboard tool was developed by Facebook in 2018 to help individuals manage their time on Facebook and Instagram. The tools were developed in collaboration with leading mental health organisations, according to the company.

You can now set a timely reminder

Man showing a Facebook icon

The activity dashboard functions as a timer for the number of hours spent using the app on that device on an aggregate basis. To show your overall time spent for the day, simply tap any bar. In addition, the company created a daily reminder function that allows people to set a time limit for the day. When you hit your daily limit, the tool will alert you, much like an alarm clock. Any time you like, you can change the reminder. Take the actions below if you suspect you’ve been using Facebook more than is required.

  1. Use your Android or iOS smartphone to access your Facebook account.
  2. Tap the Menu sign, which is a three-vertical-line icon, in the top right corner.
  3. From the drop-down box, choose Settings and Privacy.
  4. Choose Settings from the drop-down menu of choices.
  5. You’ll discover a Preferences section among other things, and from there, you’ll need to go to Your time on Facebook.
  6. Swipe left until you see the option to Set Daily Time Reminder.
  7. Set a time limit for when you want to be notified.
  8. By tapping the button, you may set a reminder. Your task has been finished. You will be notified when you have reached your time limit.

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