Twitter will now include a robot head panel to automated accounts that tweet essential information like COVID-19 updates, earthquake notifications, and so on. Users will be able to tell the difference between “good” bot accounts and human-run accounts thanks to this new functionality.

From posting COVID-19 updates to telling people of traffic updates to even helping them find internships, Twitter describes “good bots” as those that assist people to find useful, amusing, and useful facts every day.

“There’s a whole community of developers that are working hard to build bots that are genuinely useful and interesting,” Twitter said in its press note.

How do we identify good bots?

Just go to any profile and look for a robot head panel to recognize a good bot. The appearance of a good bot will look like this:

As per Twitter, the label will assist them in determining which accounts to follow, engage with, and trust” by providing further information about the bot.

The label will help “good bots” (those who share helpful/relevant information and intend to genuinely improve the Twitter experience) increase their legitimacy and build accountability and confidence with their crowd as a consequence of studies that indicates that people wanted more scope around the accounts they engage with.

Paytm x Twitter

In other news, Twitter has included Paytm as a payment gateway option for its Tips function, which allows users to monetize their Twitter accounts by receiving monetary tips from their followers and other users. The Tip Jar function was first introduced in May of last year, and it was later made available to all iOS users over the age of 18 in September. In November of the same year, the capability was enabled to Android devices.

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